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Woo Man Loong

Woo Man Loong

Facilitator / General Manager

Woo Man Loong is a Consulting Partner for Blanchard Malaysia. He is qualified to deliver Blanchard® core training programs, including The SLII Experience™, First-time Manager™, Self Leadership, Legendary Service®, Coaching Essentials®, and Building Trust. His supportive and amiable approach to training stimulates engagement with his class participants, and their energetic involvement in his sessions leads to better learning outcomes. Woo values the long-lasting impact he creates by touching the minds and hearts of his learners, and this in turn
influences them to effect lasting changes in their behaviors.

He began his training career in 1991, and trains in English and in Mandarin. He specializes in enhancing individual performance through personal development training, improving sales skills, developing leadership competencies, and coaching.

Woo holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development from UPM, Malaysia. His passion for training adds value and uplifts people to perform at their best, helping both new and seasoned professionals achieve their goals. He is a certified coach and mentor, certified financial planner, and chartered insurance agency manager.

Prior to joining Blanchard, Woo served as assistant vice president of the training & development division in an insurance company. When assigned the mission of ensuring that the company’s personnel were all well trained and developed, he piloted a training structure that gave the employees a clear training path to pursuing their dreams during their careers with the company.

In his spare time, Woo loves singing and playing computer games.


  • Consumer Products
  • Education
  • Financial Services
  • Government
  • Health Care
  • Government/Public Admin
  • Health Care/Pharmaceuticals
  • Industrial Goods/Manufacturing
  • Information Technology
  • Retail/Wholesale
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